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Question Number 81289 by 37996827 last updated on 11/Feb/20

discussthesymmetryofthefollowingcurves  squareofx+squareofy=1

$${discussthesymmetryofthefollowingcurves} \\ $$$${squareofx}+{squareofy}=\mathrm{1} \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/20

itisacirclewithradiusof1andcenterat  theoriginwhichissymmetricaboutevery  linethroughtheorigin

$${itisacirclewithradiusof}\mathrm{1}{andcenterat} \\ $$$${theoriginwhichissymmetricaboutevery} \\ $$$${linethroughtheorigin} \\ $$

Commented by MJS last updated on 11/Feb/20


Commented by jagoll last updated on 11/Feb/20

why there is no space in this   article?

$${why}\:{there}\:{is}\:{no}\:{space}\:{in}\:{this}\: \\ $$$${article}? \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/20

when in rome, i just do as the romans  do......

$${when}\:{in}\:{rome},\:{i}\:{just}\:{do}\:{as}\:{the}\:{romans} \\ $$$${do}...... \\ $$

Commented by $@ty@m123 last updated on 11/Feb/20

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