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Question Number 81295 by jagoll last updated on 11/Feb/20

what is vector unit orthogonal  to (1,2,−2) and parallel to   yz−plane?


Commented by john santu last updated on 11/Feb/20

say this vector b^�  = (x,y,z)  (i) x^2 +y^2 +z^2  = 1  (ii) b^�  . (1,2,−2) = 0  x+2y−2z =0  (iii) b^�  parallel to yz−plane  ⇒b^�  ⊥ i^�  ⇒ x =0   then we get y = z = ±(1/2)(√2)  ∴ b^�  = (0, (1/2)(√2) , (1/2)(√2))  or b^�  = (0, −(1/2)(√2) ,−(1/2)(√2) )


Commented by jagoll last updated on 11/Feb/20



Answered by MJS last updated on 11/Feb/20

parallel to yz−plane = orthogonal to x−axis  vector orthogonal to 2 given vectors   ((x_1 ),(y_1 ),(z_1 ) ) ,  ((x_2 ),(y_2 ),(z_2 ) )  can be calculated with a  determinant  u_x = ((1),(0),(0) ) , u_y = ((0),(1),(0) ) , u_z = ((0),(0),(1) )   determinant ((x_1 ,x_2 ,u_x ),(y_1 ,y_2 ,u_y ),(z_1 ,z_2 ,u_z ))=(y_1 z_2 −y_2 z_1 )u_x +(x_2 z_1 −x_1 z_2 )u_y +(x_1 y_2 −x_2 y_1 )u_z =  = (((y_1 z_2 −y_2 z_1 )),((x_2 z_1 −x_1 z_2 )),((x_1 y_2 −x_2 y_1 )) )  in our case this gives   ((0),((−2)),((−2)) ) with length 2(√2)  ⇒ answer is ± ((0),(((√2)/2)),(((√2)/2)) )


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