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Question Number 81554 by jagoll last updated on 14/Feb/20

y′′′ +4y′ = 3x−1  what is solution


Answered by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 14/Feb/20

let y=e^(mx)   be a solution so we get  y^′ =(dy/dx)=me^(mx) →y^(′′) =m^2 e^(mx)   y^(′′′) =m^3 e^(mx)   complemenary function  m^3 e^(mx) +4me^(mx) =0  e^(mx) ×m(m^2 +4)=0  e^(mx) ≠0  so  eithethe m=0 or m=2i or −2i  C.F=Ae^(0.x) +Be^(2ix) +Ce^(−2ix)   (A,B and C constant)  now  calculation of particular intregal  y=((3x−1)/(D^3 +4D))   where D=(d/dx)  y=(1/D).(1/(D^2 +4)).(3x−1)  y=(4+D^2 )^(−1) ×(((3x^2 )/2)−x)  y={4(1+(D^2 /4))}^(−1) ×(((3x^2 )/2)−x)  =(1/4)(1−(D^2 /4)+(D^4 /(16))+...)(((3x^2 )/2)−x)  note  (1+p)^(−1) =1−p+p^2 −p^3 +...∞    calculation  (1/4)(((3x^2 )/2)−x)−(D^2 /(16))(((3x^2 )/2)−x)+(D^4 /(64))(((3x^2 )/2)−x)..othester is zero  ((3x^2 )/8)−(x/4)−(3/(32))×2  =((3x^2 )/8)−(x/4)−(3/(16))        so compete solution  y=Ae^(0.x) +Be^(2ix) +Ce^(−2ix) +((3x^2 )/8)−(x/4)−(3/(16))  note..(1)we can put e^(ix) =cosx+isinx  e^(−ix) =cosx−isinx  and (A−(3/4))=K  new constant  pls check


Commented by jagoll last updated on 14/Feb/20

can we get grades A,B and C mister?


Commented by mr W last updated on 14/Feb/20

you gave only a d.e. without initial  conditions, so you can not determine  these constants. to determine A,B,C  you need three initial conditions such as  y(0)=...  y′(1)=...  y′′(2)=...


Commented by jagoll last updated on 14/Feb/20

oo yes sir thank you


Answered by Joel578 last updated on 14/Feb/20

• homogeneous solution with characteristic eq.      λ^3  + 4λ = 0 ⇒ λ_1  = 0, λ_(2,3)  = ± 2i      ⇒ y_h (x) = C_1  + C_2  cos 2x + C_3  sin 2x    • particular solution      y_p  = Ax^2  + Bx + C     y_p ′ = 2Ax + B    y_p ′′ = 2A   y_p ′′′ = 0    Substitute to original question    0 + 4(2Ax + B) = 3x − 1  ⇒  { ((8A = 3)),((4B = −1)) :} ⇒  { ((A = (3/8))),((B = ((−1)/4))) :}  ⇒ y_p ′ = (3/4)x − (1/4)  ⇒ y_p  = (3/8)x^2  − (1/4)x + K    ∴ y(x) = y_h (x) + y_p (x)                  = C + C_2  cos 2x + C_3  sin 2x + (3/8)x^2  − (1/4)x


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