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Question Number 81794 by Power last updated on 15/Feb/20

Commented by Power last updated on 15/Feb/20

prove that   △

$$\mathrm{prove}\:\mathrm{that}\:\:\:\bigtriangleup\:\:\:\:\: \\ $$

Commented by Power last updated on 15/Feb/20


$$\mathrm{tan}\infty=\mathrm{tan}\gamma \\ $$

Answered by mind is power last updated on 16/Feb/20

no sens this Quation sir   what are α,β,δ  what is p,r,R  maybee angle of triangl  radius of circle r,R  perimiter p ?  poste all infirmation please cause we can′t answer witbout knowing  that

$${no}\:{sens}\:{this}\:{Quation}\:{sir}\: \\ $$$${what}\:{are}\:\alpha,\beta,\delta \\ $$$${what}\:{is}\:{p},{r},{R} \\ $$$${maybee}\:{angle}\:{of}\:{triangl} \\ $$$${radius}\:{of}\:{circle}\:{r},{R} \\ $$$${perimiter}\:{p}\:? \\ $$$${poste}\:{all}\:{infirmation}\:{please}\:{cause}\:{we}\:{can}'{t}\:{answer}\:{witbout}\:{knowing} \\ $$$${that} \\ $$

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