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Question Number 81968 by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/20

[derived from Q81804]    given:  string length =s   (> 0.5L)  friction coefficient with ground =μ    to find:  the minimal and maximal possible  inclination of the rod and the    corresponding tension in the string.


Answered by mr W last updated on 27/Feb/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Feb/20

Case I: maximal inclination  with friction force acting rightwards  ϕ=tan^(−1) μ  both reactions from ground and from  pulley meet mg at the same point O.  β=(π/2)−(θ+α−φ)  γ=(π/2)−(θ−α+φ)  ((BC)/(sin γ))=((CD)/(sin β))=((BD)/(sin 2θ))  ⇒BC=((L cos (θ−α+φ))/(2 sin 2θ))  ⇒CD=((L cos (θ+α−φ))/(2 sin 2θ))  BC+CD=s  ⇒((L cos (θ−α+φ))/(2 sin 2θ))+((L cos (θ+α−φ))/(2 sin 2θ))=s  ⇒L cos θ cos (α−φ)=s sin 2θ  ⇒sin θ=((L cos (α−φ))/(2s))  let Θ=α−φ  ⇒sin θ=((L cos Θ)/(2s))   ...(i)    h=((L sin α)/2)+BC×cos (θ−φ)  h=((L sin α)/2)+((L cos (θ−α+φ) cos (θ−φ))/(2 sin 2θ))  ((2h)/L)=sin α+((cos (θ−α+φ) cos (θ−φ))/(sin 2θ))  ((2h)/L)=sin α+(([cos θ cos (α−φ)+sin θ sin (α−φ)](cos θ cos φ+sin θ sin φ))/(2 sin θ cos θ))  ⇒((4h)/L)=2 sin α+[cos (α−φ)+tan θ sin (α−φ)](((cos φ)/(tan θ))+sin φ)  ⇒((4h)/L)=2 sin α+(cos Θ+tan θ sin Θ)[((cos (α−Θ))/(tan θ))+sin (α−Θ)]   ...(ii)    GC=BC×sin (θ−φ)  GC=((L cos (θ−α+φ) sin (θ−φ))/(2 sin 2θ))  GC=((L [cos θ cos (α−φ)+sin θ sin (α−φ)] (sin θ cos φ−cos θ sin φ))/(4 sin θ cos θ))  GC=((L[cos (α−φ)+tan θ sin (α−φ)] (cos φ−((sin φ)/(tan θ))))/4)  OG=((L cos α)/(2 tan ϕ))−h  OG×tan φ=GC  (((L cos α)/(2 tan ϕ))−h)tan φ=((L[cos (α−φ)+tan θ sin (α−φ)] (cos φ−((sin φ)/(tan θ))))/4)  ⇒2(((cos α)/μ)−((2h)/L))tan φ=[cos (α−φ)+tan θ sin (α−φ)] (cos φ−((sin φ)/(tan θ)))  ⇒2(((cos α)/μ)−((2h)/L))tan (α−Θ)=(cos Θ+tan θ sin Θ) [cos (α−Θ)−((sin (α−Θ))/(tan θ))]   ...(iii)  by putting (i) into (ii) and (iii) we get  two equations for α and Θ.    example:  L=5m, h=3m, s=4m, μ=0.6  ⇒α=22.882°  ⇒Θ=α−φ=7.0125°


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Feb/20

((BC)/(sin (2θ+β)))=((CD)/(sin β))=(L/(2 sin 2θ))  BC=((L sin (2θ+β))/(2 sin 2θ))  CD=((L sin β)/(2 sin 2θ))  s=((L [sin 2θ cos β+(1+cos 2θ)sin β])/(2 sin 2θ))  ⇒((2s)/L)=cos β+(((1+cos 2θ)sin β)/(sin 2θ))  ⇒((2s)/L)×((sin 2θ)/(√(2(1+cos 2θ))))=sin λ cos β+cos λ sin β  ⇒((2s)/L)×((sin 2θ)/(√(2(1+cos 2θ))))=sin (λ+β)  ⇒β=sin^(−1) [((2s)/L)×((sin 2θ)/(√(2(1+cos 2θ))))]−tan^(−1) ((sin 2θ)/(1+cos 2θ))    h=((L sin α)/2)+BC×sin (β+α)  ((2h)/L)=sin α+((sin (2θ+β) sin (β+α))/(sin 2θ))  ((2h)/L)=sin α+(cos β+((sin β)/(tan 2θ)))(sin β cos α+cos β sin α)  ((2h)/L)=(1+cos^2  β+((sin β cos β)/(tan 2θ)))sin α+(sin β cos β+((sin^2  β)/(tan 2θ))) cos α  ((2h)/L)×(1/(√((1+cos^2  β+((sin β cos β)/(tan 2θ)))^2 +(sin β cos β+((sin^2  β)/(tan 2θ)))^2 )))=cos δ sin α+sin δ cos α  ((2h)/L)×(1/(√((1+cos^2  β+((sin β cos β)/(tan 2θ)))^2 +(sin β cos β+((sin^2  β)/(tan 2θ)))^2 )))= sin (α+δ)  ⇒α=sin^(−1) [((2h)/L)×(1/(√((1+cos^2  β+((sin β cos β)/(tan 2θ)))^2 +(sin β cos β+((sin^2  β)/(tan 2θ)))^2 )))]−tan^(−1) [((sin β cos β+((sin^2  β)/(tan 2θ)))/(1+cos^2  β+((sin β cos β)/(tan 2θ))))]  ⇒2(((cos α)/μ)−((2h)/L))tan φ=[cos (α−φ)+tan θ sin (α−φ)] (cos φ−((sin φ)/(tan θ)))  φ=θ+α+β−(π/2)  ⇒2(((cos α)/μ)−((2h)/L))(1/(tan (θ+α+β)))+[sin (θ+β)+tan θ cos (θ+β)] [sin (θ+α+β)+((cos (θ+α+β))/(tan θ))]=0


Commented by ajfour last updated on 29/Feb/20

Even with your solution its no  simpler sir...


Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Feb/20

no sir!  it can not become more simple, i think.  but we get a final equation for a single  parameter θ.


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