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Question Number 82191 by jagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

find the solution  (√(x^2 −3x−4 ))  >  x−2

findthesolution x23x4>x2

Commented last updated on 19/Feb/20

x^2 −3x−4   >  x^2 −4x+4  −3x−4   >  −4x+4  x   >  8  S.S. = {x:x>8}   Or S.S.={(8,∞)}  so easy

x23x4>x24x+4 3x4>4x+4 x>8 S.S.={x:x>8} OrS.S.={(8,)} soeasy

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

tes for x = −1   (√(1+3−4)) > −3   0 > −3 is correct sir

tesforx=1 1+34>3 0>3iscorrectsir

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

x = −1 ∉ (8,∞) but x=−1 is solution


Commented bymr W last updated on 19/Feb/20

(√((x−4)(x+1)))>x−2  solution:  x≤−1 ∨ x>8

(x4)(x+1)>x2 solution: x1x>8

Commented last updated on 19/Feb/20

I think that′s true if you said (√(x^2 −3x−4)) ≥0  not when (√(x^2 −3x−4)) >x−2  put x=−1 in the 2nd line of the solution  you will get a rong statement

Ithinkthatstrueifyousaidx23x40 notwhenx23x4>x2 putx=1inthe2ndlineofthesolution youwillgetarongstatement

Commented byKunal12588 last updated on 19/Feb/20

x > 8   and (√((x+1)(x−4)))>(x−2)  ⇒(((x+1)(x−4))/((x−2)^2 ))>0  ⇒x<−1

x>8 and(x+1)(x4)>(x2) (x+1)(x4)(x2)2>0 x<1

Commented bymr W last updated on 19/Feb/20

why use if (√(x^2 −3x−4))≥0 ? it is always  true that (√(x^2 −3x−4))≥0.

whyuseifx23x40?itisalways truethatx23x40.

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

so what is the answer conclusion?  x≤−1 ∨x> 8   or x > 8?

sowhatistheanswerconclusion? x1x>8 orx>8?

Commented bymr W last updated on 19/Feb/20

when x≤−1, x−2≤−3, but   (√(x^2 −3x−4))≥0, therefore   (√(x^2 −3x−4))>x−2 is true. and x=−1  is also included.

whenx1,x23,but x23x40,therefore x23x4>x2istrue.andx=1 isalsoincluded.

Commented bymr W last updated on 19/Feb/20

the result is  x≤−1 ∨ x> 8   that means x∈ (−∞,−1] or x∈(8,+∞)

theresultis x1x>8 thatmeansx(,1]orx(8,+)

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

yes sir. i agree. but my teacher   blamed my answer

yessir.iagree.butmyteacher blamedmyanswer

Commented last updated on 19/Feb/20

  confused quest  i think you are the truest

confusedquest ithinkyouarethetruest

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

haha...if the most correct ,   surely God sir

haha...ifthemostcorrect, surelyGodsir

Commented bymr W last updated on 19/Feb/20

be very careful with squaring by  inequlity! it may change the validity  range of the original inequality!

beverycarefulwithsquaringby inequlity!itmaychangethevalidity rangeoftheoriginalinequality!

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

please sir post your step solution


Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

it sir by graphic


Commented bymathmax by abdo last updated on 19/Feb/20

the inequation is defined  for x≥2 and x^2 −3x−4≥0  Δ=(−3)^2 −4(−4)=9+16=25 ⇒x_1 =((3+5)/2)=4 and x_2 =((3−5)/2)=−1  x^2 −3x−4≥0 ⇒x∈]−∞,−1[∪]4,+∞[ ⇒ D_(in) =[2,+∞[  (in)⇒x^2 −3x−4>x^2 −4x +4 ⇒x>8 ⇒S =[8,+∞[

theinequationisdefinedforx2andx23x40 Δ=(3)24(4)=9+16=25x1=3+52=4andx2=352=1 x23x40x],1[]4,+[Din=[2,+[ (in)x23x4>x24x+4x>8S=[8,+[

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

solution x≤−1 ∨ x>8


Answered by mr W last updated on 19/Feb/20

such that (√(x^2 −3x−4)) is defined,  x^2 −3x−4=(x+1)(x−4)≥0  ⇒x≤−1 or x≥4    case 1: x≤−1  with x≤−1, we have x−2≤−3<0  but (√(x^2 −3x−4))≥0, so  (√(x^2 −3x−4 )) >  x−2  is true.  ⇒x≤−1 is solution.    case 2: x≥4  with x≥4, x−2≥6>0  x^2 −3x−4 >(x−2)^2   x^2 −3x−4 >x^2 −4x+4  x>8 ≥4  ⇒x>8 is solution.  (we can use squaring here because we  have ensured at first that x−2>0)    summary of all solutions:  x≤−1  x>8

suchthatx23x4isdefined, x23x4=(x+1)(x4)0 x1orx4 case1:x1 withx1,wehavex23<0 butx23x40,so x23x4>x2istrue. x1issolution. case2:x4 withx4,x26>0 x23x4>(x2)2 x23x4>x24x+4 x>84 x>8issolution. (wecanusesquaringherebecausewe haveensuredatfirstthatx2>0) summaryofallsolutions: x1 x>8

Commented byjagoll last updated on 19/Feb/20

thank you sir


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