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Question Number 82726 by mr W last updated on 23/Feb/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Feb/20

mass m_1  and m_2  are released from the  top of a wedge simutaneously. assume  that mass m_1  reaches the bottum of  the wedge firstly. find the velocity of  the wedge at this moment.  all surfaces are frictionless.


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 23/Feb/20

Sir please i need help, i have post the question several time.  i repost now  Q82729.  Or the question is not correct so that i can stop  posting it. Please help. Thanks sir.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Feb/20

Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 23/Feb/20

Sir, i have typed the question. please check. God bless you sir.  Q82729.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Feb/20

Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Feb/20

a_1 =gsin θ_1 −Acos θ_1   a_2 =gsin θ_2 +Acos θ_2   (h/(sin θ_1 ))=(1/2)(gsin θ_1 −Acos θ_1 )t^2   ⇒ ((2h)/(sin θ_1 ))=gt^2 sin θ_1 −Vtcos θ_1   ..(i)  [ from above eq. we get t(V)]  u=(gsin θ_1 −Acos θ_1 )t      = gtsin θ_1 −Vcos θ_2     .....(ii)  v=gtsin θ_2 +Vcos θ_2       .....(iii)  m_1 ucos θ_1 +(M+m_1 +m_2 )V           = m_2 vcos θ_2               .....(iv)  using (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)  V is obtained...


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Feb/20

wonderful solution sir!  we can get  V=((8gh)/(cos θ_1 {((4 tan θ_1 (M+m_1 sin^2  θ_1 +m_2 sin^2  θ_2 ))/(m_2 sin 2θ_2 −m_1 sin 2θ_1 ))−1}^2 −1))


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Feb/20

what′s the condition that m_1  reaches  the bottom firstly?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Feb/20

If   t_1 < t_2  ,   m_1  reaches first.  a_1 =gsin θ_1 −Acos θ_1   a_2 =gsin θ_2 +Acos θ_2   (1/2)a_1 t_1 ^2 =(h/(sin θ_1 ))   ,   (1/2)a_2 t_2 ^2 =(h/(sin θ_2 ))    t_1 =(√((2h)/(a_1 sin θ_1 ))) ,  t_2 =(√((2h)/(a_2 sin θ_2 )))  N_1 =m_1 gcos θ_1 +m_1 Asin θ_1   N_2 =m_2 gcos θ_2 −m_2 Asin θ_2   N_2 sin θ_2 −N_1 sin θ_1 =MA  A is determined from above 3 eqs.  hence we have a_1  , a_2 .  Then the condition can be  expressed..


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Feb/20

clear! thanks!


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