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Question Number 83786 by jagoll last updated on 06/Mar/20

(x^2 /(log_((5−x))  (x))) ≤ (5x−4) log_x  (5−x)


Answered by john santu last updated on 06/Mar/20

x^2  log_x  (5−x) ≤ (5x−4) log_x  (5−x)  (x−1)((5−x)^x^2  −(5−x)^(5x−4) ) ≤ 0  (i) x > 0 ∧ x ≠ 1 ∧x ≠ 4 ∧ x < 5  ⇒ for x < 1 ⇒ x^2 −5x+4 ≥ 0   (x−1)(x−4) ≥0 , ⇒ x < 1  ⇒ for x > 1 ⇒ x^2 −5x+4 ≤ 0  1 < x < 4  the solution is 0 < x < 1∨ 1 < x < 4


Commented by jagoll last updated on 06/Mar/20

thank you sir , but the   answer is 0 < x < 1 ∨ 1 < x < 4   ∨ 4 < x < 5


Answered by MJS last updated on 07/Mar/20

x^2 ((ln (5−x))/(ln x))≤(5x−4)((ln (5−x))/(ln x))  0<x<5 ∧ x≠1 ∧ x≠4  case 1 ((ln (5−x))/(ln x))>0 ∧ x^2 ≤5x−4       case 1.1 ln (5−x) <0 ∧ ln x <0            no solution       case 1.2 ln (5−x) >0 ∧ ln x >0            1<x<4       x^2 −5x+4≤0 ⇒ 1≤x≤5  ⇒ 1<x<4  case 2 ((ln (5−x))/(ln x))<0 ∧ x^2 ≥5x−4       case 2.1 ln (5−x) <0 ∧ ln x >0            4<x<5       case 2.2 ln (5−x) >0 ∧ ln x <0            0<x<1       x^2 −5x+4≥0 ⇒ x≤1 ∨ x≥4  ⇒ 0<x<1 ∨ 4<x<5    answer x∈]0; 5[\{1; 4}  but regarding the limits we could define for  0≤x≤5


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