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Question Number 89192 by ajfour last updated on 16/Apr/20

Commented by Prithwish Sen 1 last updated on 16/Apr/20

Is E the focus ?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Apr/20

No, nothing special.


Answered by mr W last updated on 16/Apr/20

let μ=(b/a)  say C(a cos θ, b sin θ)  say CA=DE=s  s^2 =(1−cos θ)^2 a^2 +sin^2  θ b^2   ((a cos θ)/(b(1+sin θ)))=(b/a)  ⇒((cos θ)/(1+sin θ))=μ^2   let t=tan (θ/2)  (((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 ))/(1+((2t)/(1+t^2 ))))=μ^2   ⇒((1−t)/(1+t))=μ^2   ⇒t=((1−μ^2 )/(1+μ^2 ))  DE=(b/(b(1+sin θ)))×DC  s^2 =(1/((1+sin θ)^2 ))×DC^2 =((b^2 (1+sin θ)^2 +a^2 cos^2  θ)/((1+sin θ)^2 ))  s^2 =b^2 +((a^2 cos^2  θ)/((1+sin θ)^2 ))=b^2 +(((1−sin θ)/(1+sin θ)))a^2   b^2 +(((1−sin θ)/(1+sin θ)))a^2 =(1−cos θ)^2 a^2 +sin^2  θ b^2   ⇒((1−sin θ)/(1+sin θ))+2 cos θ−(1−μ^2 )cos^2  θ=1  ((1−((2t)/(1+t^2 )))/(1+((2t)/(1+t^2 ))))+2×((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 ))−(1−μ^2 )(((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 )))^2 =1  (((1−t)/(1+t)))^2 +(((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 )))[2−(1−μ^2 )(((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 )))]=1  μ^4 +(((1−(((1−μ^2 )/(1+μ^2 )))^2 )/(1+(((1−μ^2 )/(1+μ^2 )))^2 )))[2−(1−μ^2 )(((1−(((1−μ^2 )/(1+μ^2 )))^2 )/(1+(((1−μ^2 )/(1+μ^2 )))^2 )))]=1  μ^4 +(((2μ^2 )/(1+μ^4 )))[2−(1−μ^2 )(((2μ^2 )/(1+μ^4 )))]=1  μ^4 +((4μ^2 (1−μ^2 +2μ^4 ))/((1+μ^4 )^2 ))=1  4μ^2 (1−μ^2 +2μ^4 )=(1−μ^4 )(1+μ^4 )^2   μ^(12) +μ^8 +8μ^6 −5μ^4 +4μ^2 −1=0  ⇒μ≈0.554632


Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Apr/20

Thank you Sir.  Nice Answer : μ ≊ 0.555


Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Apr/20

you′re right, thanks!


Answered by ajfour last updated on 16/Apr/20

eq. of CD:     y=(a/b)x−b  x_E =(b^2 /a) ,   s^2 =b^2 +(b^4 /a^2 )  let  C(x,y)  ⇒  (x^2 /a^2 )+(1/b^2 )(((ax)/b)−b)^2 =1    x((1/a^2 )+(a^2 /b^4 ))=((2a)/b^2 )  x= 2a(((a^2 b^2 )/(a^4 +b^4 )))    y=(a/b)(2a)(((a^2 b^2 )/(a^4 +b^4 )))−b  y=b(((a^4 −b^4 )/(a^4 +b^4 )))  (a−x)^2 +y^2 =s^2   a^2 {1−(((2a^2 b^2 )/(a^4 +b^4 )))}^2 +b^2 (((a^4 −b^4 )/(a^4 +b^4 )))^2            = b^2 (((a^2 +b^2 )/a^2 ))  (((a^2 −b^2 )^4 )/((a^4 +b^4 )^2 ))+((b^2 (a^2 −b^2 )^2 (a^2 +b^2 )^2 )/(a^2 (a^4 +b^4 )^2 ))              = (b^2 /a^2 )(((a^2 +b^2 )/a^2 ))  ⇒  let  (b^2 /a^2 )=μ^2 = t   t(1+t)(1+t^2 )^2 =(1−t)^4 +                                      t(1−t)^2 (1+t)^2    ⇒  t(1+t)(1+t^2 )^2 =(1−t)^2 ×{(1−t)^2 +t(1+t)^2 }    t=μ^2 ≈0.30762  ⇒   μ ≈0.554635


Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Apr/20

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