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Question Number 90347 by mr W last updated on 22/Apr/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Apr/20

the parabola has the same shape as  y=x^2 . find it′s equation if it passes  through O, A, B as shown.    [for some reason ajfour sir has deleted  this question. but it is a good question.]


Commented by MJS last updated on 23/Apr/20

let a=p and b=q to not get confused  ax^2 +bxy+cy^2 +dx+ey+f=0  D=ac−(b^2 /4)  this is a  { ((ellipse; D>0)),((parabola; D=0)),((hyperbola; D<0)) :}  ⇒ (1)  ac−(b^2 /4)=0   ((0),(0) ) ∈par ⇒ (2)  f=0   ((p),(0) ) ∈par ⇒ (3)  ap^2 +dp+f=0   ((0),(q) ) ∈par ⇒ (4)  cq^2 +eq+f=0  (5)  we know the shape is similar to y=x^2        the angle of rotation: tan 2θ =(b/(a−c)); if b=c ⇒       ⇒ θ=45°       usually we rotate like this:  ((x),(y) ) = (((x′cos θ −y′sin θ)),((x′sin θ +y′cos θ)) )       and get       ax^2 +bxy+cy^2 +dx+ey+f=0 →       → Ax′^2 +Cy′^2 +Dx′+Ey′+F       and then complete the squares to see the       translation in x and y directions       here we have (y′−n)=(x′−m)^2  →       → x′^2 −2mx′−y′+(m^2 −n)=0       ⇒ A=1; C=0; D=−2m; E=−1; F=m^2 −n       now we must find θ       I stop here and go to bed. this is what′s       already there:  (1)  ac−(b^2 /4)=0  (2)  f=0  (3)  ap+d=0  (4)  cq+e=0


Commented by TawaTawa1 last updated on 23/Apr/20

Sir, i have come again. please help me with:  Q90362


Commented by TawaTawa1 last updated on 23/Apr/20

Please. God bless you more for everytime.


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

thank you MJS sir!


Answered by ajfour last updated on 23/Apr/20

Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Apr/20

((y−mx−c)/(√(1+m^2 )))=(√((x−h)^2 +(y−k)^2 ))  O(0,0), A(a,0), B(0,b)  lie on   parabola.  ⇒  h^2 +k^2 =(c^2 /(1+m^2 ))       ....(i)    (a−h)^2 +k^2 =(((−am−c)^2 )/(1+m^2 ))   ..(ii)       h^2 +(b−k)^2 =(((b−c)^2 )/(1+m^2 ))    ...(iii)  And since this parabola has  same shape as x^2 =4((1/4))y     ((k−mh−c)/(√(1+m^2 )))=(1/2)     ....(iv)  Again  using (i) in (ii)  a^2 −2ah = ((a^2 m^2 +2amc)/(1+m^2 ))    h=(((a/2)−cm)/(1+m^2 ))      ......(I)  in (iii):  b^2 −2bk =((b^2 −2bc)/(1+m^2 ))    k=((((bm^2 )/2)+c)/(1+m^2 ))       .....(II)  and   ((−c)/(√(1+m^2 )))=(√(h^2 +k^2 ))                               = (1/2)+((mh−k)/(√(1+m^2 )))     (c^2 /(1+m^2 ))=((((a/2)−cm)/(1+m^2 )))^2 +(((((bm^2 )/2)+c)/(1+m^2 )))^2   ⇒ (a^2 /4)−acm+((b^2 m^4 )/4)+bcm^2 =0     c=((a^2 +b^2 m^4 )/(4m(a−bm)))     .......(III)                 and    ((((bm^2 )/2)+c)/(1+m^2 ))−m((((a/2)−cm)/(1+m^2 )))−c=((√(1+m^2 ))/2)  ⇒  bm^2 −am=(1+m^2 )^(3/2)    ....(IV)  herefrom  we get m.  then c, and then h,k  using eqs.  (III), (II), and (I).  Eq. of parabola is  ((y−mx−c)/(√(1+m^2 )))=(√((x−h)^2 +(y−k)^2 ))  ■


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

thanks alot sir! i′ll attempt a similar  way.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Apr/20

For a=(√3) ,  b=5/3  we get    m=−(√3),  c=−(7/8), h=−((3(√3))/(32)),  and  k=((13)/(32)) .  Also   m≈−0.56775  and corresponding values of   c, h, k .


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Apr/20

Answered by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

since the parabola has the same shape  as y=x^2 , it can be obtained from y=x^2   through some transformation:  translation: vertex from O(0,0) to O′(−h,−h^2 )  y=x^2  ⇒ y=x^2 −2hx  rotation: about O by angle θ  ⇒ x sin θ+y cos θ=(x cos θ−y sin θ)^2 −2h(x cos θ−y sin θ)    since this transformed parabola  passes through (a,0) and (0,b), we get:  b cos θ=(−b sin θ)^2 −2h(−b sin θ)  cos θ=b sin^2  θ+2h sin θ  ⇒h=(1/2)((1/(tan θ))−b sin θ)   ...(i)  a sin θ=(a cos θ)^2 −2h(a cos θ)  sin θ=a cos^2  θ−2h cos θ  ⇒h=(1/2)(a cos θ−tan θ)   ...(ii)  (1/(tan θ))−b sin θ=a cos θ−tan θ  ⇒ (1/(tan θ))+tan θ=a cos θ+b sin θ   ..(iii)    eqn. of parabola:  x sin θ+y cos θ=(x cos θ−y sin θ)^2 −(a cos θ−tan θ)(x cos θ−y sin θ)    usually (iii) has two roots for θ,  that means we have usually two  possible parabolas, see examples:


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Apr/20

Its very nice, short and wise  way Sir;  thanks a lot.


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/20

in general a right−angled triangle  can be inscribed in the parabola in  two different ways, therefore we  have two possible positions for the  parabola.  there is only one solution if a=b=(√2).


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Apr/20

too good interpretation, and  explanation, Sir!


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