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Question Number 91460 by  M±th+et+s last updated on 30/Apr/20

one of the conditions of the inflection  point is inflection tangent.  what is inflection tangent?


Answered by MJS last updated on 01/May/20

it′s the tangent in the inflection point which  also intersects the curve in the inflection  point  I once learned these things with these  elementar functions    y=ax+b, a≠0  y′=a ⇒ constant slope, no curvature    y=ax^2 +bx+c, a≠0  y′=2ax+b       zero at x=−(b/(2a))       ⇒ extreme point  y′′=2a ⇒ constant curvature depending on       the sign of a        {: ((a<0 ⇒ maximum)),((a>0 ⇒ minimum)) } at x=−(b/(2a))    y=ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d, a≠0  y′=3ax^2 +2bx+c       zeros at x=−((b±(√(b^2 −3ac)))/(3a))       (1) 2 distinct zeros ∈R ⇒ extreme points       (2) 1 double zero ∈R ⇒ no extreme points            but an inflection point with horizontal            tangent       (3) 2 zeros ∉R ⇒ no extreme points  in both cases  y′′=6ax+2b ⇒ curvature changes       zero at x=−(b/(3a))       ⇒ inflection point  y′′′=6a  { ((a<0 ⇒ curvature changes − to +)),((a>0 ⇒ curvature changes + to −)) :}  the inflection tangent also intersects the  curve at x=−(b/(3a))    y=ax^4 +bx^3 +cx^2 +dx+e, a≠0  y′=4ax^3 +3bx^2 +2cx+d  now it′s getting complicated       (1) 3 distinct zeros ∈R       (2) 2 double and 1 solitaire zeros ∈R       (3) one triple zero ∈R       (4) 1 zero ∈R and 2 zeros ∉R  we can get 3, 2 or extremes, flat points and  a saddle point  saddle point:  y=x^2 , y′=2x, y′′=2>0       minimum at y=0  y=x^3 , y′=3x^2 , y′′=6x, y′′′=6>0       no extremes       inflection point at x=0 with horizontal       tangent, curvature changes from − to +  y=x^4 , y′=4x^3 , y′′=12x^2 , y′′′=24x       minimum at x=0 but y′′=0!? ⇒^?        ⇒^?  inflection point? but the curvature       doesn′t change (y′′′=0) ⇒ this is called       a saddle point


Commented by  M±th+et+s last updated on 01/May/20

very cool explanation.thank you very much


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