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Question Number 93626 by i jagooll last updated on 14/May/20

Commented by MJS last updated on 14/May/20

with any number ∈C you like


Commented by john santu last updated on 14/May/20

real number sir


Commented by i jagooll last updated on 14/May/20

yes sir. if real number or complex  number. how to solve sir?


Commented by MJS last updated on 14/May/20

x∈C is possible ⇒ x∈R is also possible    what are we allowed to do?  there′s a unique polynome of 6^(th)  degree  f(x)=Σ_(j=0) ^6 c_j x^j   with f(1)=9, f(2)=18, ... f(7)=104  but if we are free to use any model, why not  use g(x)=Σ_(j=0) ^6 (c_j /x^j ) ? this also leads to an unique  solution. or use any of the zillions of possibilities    or just insert your birth date. we can find a  function h(x) with h(8)=(π^e /γ) ...


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 14/May/20

Given any finite sequence there  infinite number of formulas for a_n   which sstify the finite terms.


Commented by i jagooll last updated on 14/May/20


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 14/May/20

Let me explain given  a_1 ,a_2 ,a_3     a_n =((a_1 (n−2)(n−3))/((−1)(−2)))+((a_2 (n−1)(n−3))/((1)(−1)))          +((a_3 (n−1)(n−2))/((2)(1)))          +b_n (n−1)(n−2)(n−3)  This will given condition for given finite set  numbers for any b_n .  You can extend this for more three  givdn numbers.


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 14/May/20

I hope you get general idea about why answers are not unique.

Commented by i jagooll last updated on 14/May/20

thank you sir. i can try

Answered by MJS last updated on 14/May/20

if it′s a polynome calculate the differences  and continue until all numbers in a line are  equal. then go back  9  18  20  61  63  79  104  −558  9  2  41  2  16  25  −662  −7  39  −39  14  9  −687  46  −78  53  −5  −696  −124  131  −58  −691  255  −189  −633  −444


Commented by i jagooll last updated on 14/May/20

thanks sir.


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