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Question Number 94110 by Jidda28 last updated on 16/May/20

Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 17/May/20

a) let take a try let f(x) =e^(cosx)     maclaurin at 0  f(x) =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  ((f^((n)) (0))/(n!))x^n    we can find f^((n)) (0) by recurrence  f is even ⇒f(x) =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  ((f^((2n)) (0))/((2n)!)) x^(2n)   we have f^′ (x) =−sinx f(x) ⇒f^((n)) (x) =−(sinx f(x))^((n−1))   =−Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1)  C_n ^k f^((k)) (x)(sinx)^((n−1−k))   =−Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1) C_n ^k  f^((k)) (x) sin(x+(((n−1−k)π)/2)) ⇒  f^((2n)) (x) =−Σ_(k=0) ^(2n−1)  C_(2n) ^k  f^((k)) (x)sin(x+(((2n−1−k)π)/2)) ⇒  f^((2n)) (0) =−Σ_(k=0) ^(2n−1) C_(2n) ^k  f^((k)) (0)sin((((2n−1)π)/2))  =−Σ_(k=0) ^(2n−1) C_(2n) ^k  f^((k)) (0)sin(nπ−(π/2)) =Σ_(k=0) ^(2n−1)  C_(2n) ^k  f^((k)) (0)  for exemple  n=2 ⇒f^((4)) (0) =Σ_(k=0) ^3 C_4 ^k  f^((k)) (0)  =C_4 ^0 f(0)+C_4 ^1 f^((1)) (0) +C_4 ^2 f^((2)) (0)+C_4 ^3 f^((3)) (0)=... and we can  write  f(x) =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (1/(n!))(Σ_(k=0) ^(2n−1)  C_(2n) ^k  f^((k)) (0))x^(2n)   b) g(x)=e^(cos^2 x )  ⇒g(x) =e^((1+cos(2x))/2)   =(√e)× e^((1/2)cos(2x))   and we aplly  Q_n 1....


Commented by abdomathmax last updated on 17/May/20

if you have another way post it...


Answered by niroj last updated on 17/May/20

  (a) e^(cos x)     let, f(x)= e^(cos x) ,       f(0)=e      f_1 (x)=− e^(cos x) .sin x ,    f_1 (0)=0    f_2 (x)= −[ −e^(cosx) .sin^2 x+ e^(cos x) .cosx)= e^(cos x) sin^2 x−e^(cos x) .cos x    f_2 (0)=−e     f_3 (x)= −e^(cos x) .sin^3  x+e^(cos x) sin2x    f_3 (0)=0   f_4 (x) = e^(cos x) sin^4 x−e^(cos x) .3sin^2 x.cos x−e^(cos x) .sinx.sin2x +2e^(cosx) .cos2x    f_4 (0)=2e   maclaurin′s series of expansion.    f(x)= f(0)+(x/(1!))f_1 (0)+(x^2 /(2!))f_2 (0)+(x^3 /(3!))f_3 (0)+(x^4 /(4!))f_4 (0)+...=.   e^(cos x) = e+ x.0+ (x^2 /(2!))(−e)+(x^3 /(3!)).(0)+(x^4 /(4!))(2e)+....    e^(cos x) = e− (1/2)x^2 e+ (2/(^4 e+....   e^(cos x)  = e −(1/2)x^2 e + (1/(12))x^4 e+....


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 17/May/20

but f^((n)) (0) still unknown...!


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