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Question Number 94119 by i jagooll last updated on 17/May/20

∫ cot^(−1) ((√x)) dx


Commented by i jagooll last updated on 17/May/20

u = cot^(−1) ((√x)) ⇒ du = (dx/(2(√x) (1−x)))  v = x   ∫ cot^(−1) ((√x)) dx = x cot^(−1) ((√x))   − (1/2)∫ (x/((√x)(1−x))) dx   = xcot^(−1) ((√x))+(1/2)∫ ((√x)/(x−1)) dx   = x cot^(−1) ((√x)) +(1/2)∫ ((√x)/(((√x))^2 −1)) dx  let (√x)=tan j ⇔dx = 2 tan^2 j sec^2 j dj  (1/2)∫ ((2 tan^3 j sec^2 j dj)/(sec^2 j)) =   ∫ tan j (sec^2 j−1)dj =  (1/2)tan j + ln (cos j) + c  (1/2)(√x) + ln ((1/(x+1)))   ∴ x cot^(−1) ((√x)) + (1/2)(√x) + ln ((1/(x+1)))+c


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