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Question Number 94383 by niroj last updated on 18/May/20

Integrate:    (i).∫ (1/(1+x^4 ))dx   (ii).∫_β ^( α) (√((x−𝛂)(β−x)))  dx   (iii). ∫_0 ^( 1)  ∫_0 ^( x^2 ) e^(y/x) dx dy


Answered by Mr.D.N. last updated on 18/May/20

   (i).∫ (1/(1+x^4 ))dx       =(1/2) ∫ ((x^2 +1−x^2 +1)/(1+x^4 ))dx    =  (1/2)∫ ((x^2 +1)/(1+x^4 ))dx−(1/2)∫ ((x^2 −1)/(1+x^4 ))dx   = (1/2)∫ ((x^2 (1+(1/x^2 )))/(x^2 (x^2 +(1/x^2 ))))dx −(1/2)∫(( x^2 (1−(1/x^2 )))/(x^2 (x^2 +(1/x^2 ))))dx   = (1/2)∫ (((1+(1/x^2 ))dx)/((x−(1/x))^2 +2))−(1/2)∫ (((1−(1/x^2 ))dx)/((x+(1/x))^2 −2))   Put,  (x−(1/x))=t  &  (x+(1/x))= m    (1+(1/x^2 ))dx=dt,      (1−(1/x^2 ))dx=dm   = (1/2)∫ (1/((t)^2 +((√2))^2 ))dt−(1/2)∫ (( 1)/((m)^2 −((√2))^2 ))dm   = (1/2).(1/(√2))tan^(−1)  (t/(√2)) −(1/2).(1/(2(√2))) log ((m−(√2))/(m+(√2)))+C   = (1/(2(√2)))tan^(−1) ((x−(1/x))/(√2)) −(1/(4(√2)))log ((x+(1/x)−(√2))/(x+(1/x)+(√2)))+C   = (1/(2(√2)))tan^(−1)  ((x^2 −1)/(   (√2) x)) −(1/(4(√2)))log ((x^2 −(√2) x +1)/(x^2 +(√2) x+1)) +C //.


Commented by niroj last updated on 18/May/20

Excellent ����������

Commented by niroj last updated on 18/May/20


Commented by peter frank last updated on 18/May/20

thank you


Answered by Ar Brandon last updated on 18/May/20

iii\ ∫_0 ^1 ∫_0 ^x^2  e^(y/x) dxdy=∫_0 ^1 x[e^(y/x) ]_0 ^x^2  dx=∫_0 ^1 x(e^x −1)dx=∫_0 ^1 x(e^x −1)dx  [x∫(e^x −1)dx]_0 ^1 −∫_0 ^1 {(dx/dx)∫(e^x −1)dx}dx=[x(e^x −x)]_0 ^1 −∫_0 ^1 (e^x −x)dx  =e−1−[e^x −(x^2 /2)]_0 ^1 =e−1−e+(1/2)+1=(1/2)


Commented by niroj last updated on 18/May/20

excellent dear..��������

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 18/May/20


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 18/May/20

I =∫_β ^α (√((x−α)(β−x)))dx  ⇒I =∫_β ^α (√((α−x)(x−β)))dx  we do the  changement (√(α−x))=t ⇒α−x =t^2  ⇒x =α−t^2  ⇒  I = ∫_(√(α−β)) ^0  t(√(α−t^2 −β))(−2t)dt =2 ∫_0 ^(√(α−β))   t^2 (√(α−β−t^2 ))dt  =_(t=(√(α−β))sinu)    2 ∫_0 ^(√(α−β))   (α−β)sin^2 u(√(α−β))cosu (√(α−β))cosu du  =2(α−β)^2 ∫_0 ^(π/2)  sin^2 u cos^2 u du =2(α−β)^2 ×(1/4)∫_0 ^(π/2)   sin^2 (2u)du  =(((α−β)^2 )/4)∫_0 ^(π/2)  (1−cos(4u))du  =(π/8)(α−β)^2  −(((α−β)^2 )/2)[(1/4)sin(4u)]_0 ^(π/2)  =(π/8)(α−β)^2


Commented by niroj last updated on 18/May/20

it's to be great����������

Answered by Mr.D.N. last updated on 18/May/20

  (ii).   I= ∫_β ^( α) (√((x−α)(β−x)))  dx     =∫_β ^( α) (√(−x^2 +(α+β)x−αβ))   dx    =   =∫_β ^( α) (√((((β−α)/2))^2 −αβ−[x^2 −(α+β)x+(((β+α)/2))^2 ])) dx   = ∫_β ^( α) (√((((β−α)/2))^2 −(x−((β+α)/2))^2 ))  dx    Put , ((β−α)/2) = a , and   x − ((β+α)/2)= y    Then  dx=dy    When   x= α ,  y= α− ((β+α)/2)= ((α−β)/2)=−a    When x=β ,  y= β − ((β+α)/2)= ((β−α)/2)= a    ∴  I = ∫_(−a) ^(  a) (√(a^2 −y^2 )) dy    = [ ((y(√(a^2 −y^2 )))/2) + (a^2 /2) sin^(−1) (( y)/a)]_(−a) ^( a)     = {0 +(a^2 /2)sin^(−1)  (1) }−{ 0 +(a^2 /2)sin^(−1) (−1)}   = (a^2 /2).(π/2)−(a^2 /2)(−(π/2))= (π/2)a^2    = (π/2)(((β−α)/2))^2 = (π/8)(β− α)^2 .


Commented by niroj last updated on 18/May/20

it's great done..������

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