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Question Number 95060 by EmericGent last updated on 22/May/20

Evaluate  ∫_0 ^∞ arcsin(e^(-x) ) dx  ∫_0 ^∞ arccos(1-2e^(-x) ) dx  and Step Up  Evaluate  ∫_0 ^∞ arccos(1-e^(-x) ) dx  ∫_(-t) ^t arctan(e^(-x) ) dx


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/May/20

let take a try  I = ∫_0 ^∞  arcsin(e^(−x) )dx  changement e^(−x)  =t give x =−lnt ⇒  I =∫_0 ^1  arcsin(t)(dt/t) =∫_0 ^1   ((arcsin(t))/t)dt let f(x) =∫_0 ^(1 )  ((arcsin(xt))/t)dt (x>0)  f^′ (x) =∫_0 ^1   (t/(t(√(1−x^2 t^2 )))) dt =∫_0 ^1  (dt/(√(1−(xt)^2 ))) =_(xt =sinα)   ∫_0 ^(arcsinx)  (1/(x cosα))×(1/x)cosα dα  =((arcsin(x))/x^2 )   ⇒ f(x) =∫_1 ^x  ((arcsin(u))/u^2 ) du +c  =[−(1/u) arcsinu]_1 ^x  −∫_1 ^x  (−(1/u))×(1/(√(1−u^2 ))) du+c  =(π/2) −((arcsinx)/x) +∫_1 ^x  (du/(u(√(1−u^2 )))) but  ∫_1 ^x  (du/(u(√(1−u^2 )))) =_(u=sinz)     ∫_(π/2) ^(arcsinx)   ((cosz)/(sinz cosz)) dz =∫_(π/2) ^(arcsinx)  (dz/(sinz))  =_(tan((z/2)) =λ)      ∫_∞ ^(tan(((arcsinx)/2)))  ((2dλ)/((1+λ^2 )×((2λ)/(1+λ^2 )))) =−∫_(tan(((arcsinx)/2)))   (dλ/λ)  =−ln∣tan(((arcsinx)/2))∣ ⇒  f(x) =(π/2) −((arcsinx)/x) −ln∣tan(((arcsinx)/2))∣ +c  f(1) =c =∫_0 ^1  ((arcsint)/t) dt ⇒  f(x) =(π/2) −((arcsinx)/x) −ln∣tan(((arcsinx)/2))∣ +∫_0 ^1  ((arcsint)/t) dt for x>0  f((1/x)) =(π/2)−(((π/2)−arcosx)/x) −ln∣tan((((π/2)−arcosx)/2))∣+∫_0 ^1  ((arcsint)/t)dt  =(π/2)−(π/(2x)) +((arcosx)/x)−ln∣tan((π/4)−((arcosx)/2))∣ +∫_0 ^1  ((arcsint)/t) dt continued...


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/May/20

let find ∫_0 ^1  ((arcsint)/t) dt at form of serie  we have  arcsint =Σ_(n=0) ^∞   (((2n)!)/((2n+1)2^(2n) (n!)^2 )) t^(2n+1)   =t +((2!)/(3.4.)) t^3  +((4!)/(5.16(2!)^2 )) +.... ⇒((arcsint)/(t )) =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (((2n)!)/((2n+1)2^(2n) (n!)^2 )) t^(2n)  ⇒  ∫_0 ^1  ((arcsint)/t) dt  =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (((2n)!)/((2n+1)^2 2^(2n) (n!)^2 ))  =1+((2!)/(3^2 .2^2 (1!)^2 )) +((4!)/(5^2 .2^4 (2!)^2 )) +....


Commented by EmericGent last updated on 23/May/20

I used a much easier way (I show you my start)

Commented by EmericGent last updated on 23/May/20

Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/May/20

A(y) =∫_0 ^y  arcsin(e^(−x) )dx   by parts  A(y) =[ x arcsin(e^(−x) )]_0 ^y  −∫_0 ^y  x (((−e^(−x) )/(√(1−e^(−2x) ))))dx  =y arcsin(e^(−y) ) +∫_0 ^y  ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−e^(−2x) )))dx    e^(−x)  =sinα ⇒−x =ln(sinα)⇒  ∫_0 ^y  ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−e^(−2x) )))dx =∫_(π/2) ^(arcsin(e^(−y) ))   (((ln(sinα))sinα)/(cosα))×((cosα)/(sinα)) dα  =−∫_(arcsin(e^(−y) )) ^(π/2)  ln(sinα)dα ⇒A(y) =y arcsin(e^(−y) )−∫_(arcsin(e^(−y) )) ^(π/2)  ln(sinα)dα  lim_(y→+∞)  A(y) =−∫_0 ^(π/2)  ln(sinα)dα =−(−(π/2)ln(2))  ⇒  ∫_0 ^∞ arcsin(e^(−x) )dx =(π/2)ln(2)


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/May/20

your method is correct sir thanks.


Commented by EmericGent last updated on 23/May/20

I did the second and the third by the same way (actually I'm a boy)

Answered by abdomathmax last updated on 23/May/20

A(y) =∫_0 ^y  arcos(1−2e^(−x) )dx  by parts  A(y) =[x arcos(1−2e^(−x) )]_0 ^y +∫_0 ^y  x×((2e^(−x) )/(√(1−(1−2e^(−x) )^2 )))dx  =y arcos(1−2e^(−y) ) +2 ∫_0 ^y  ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−(1−2e^(−x) )^2 )))dx  changement 1−2e^(−x)  = cosα give  2e^(−x)  =1−cosα ⇒e^(−x)  =((1−cosα)/2) ⇒x=−ln(((1−cosα)/2))  ⇒dx =−((sinα)/(1−cosα)) ⇒  ∫_0 ^y  ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−(1−2e^(−x) )^2 )))dx  =∫_π ^(arcos(1−2e^(−y) )) −ln(((1−cosα)/2))×((1−cosα)/2)×(−((sinα)/(1−cosα)))×(1/(sinα))dα  =(1/2)∫_π ^(arcos(1−2e^(−y) ))  ln(((1−cosα)/2))dα  =(1/2) ∫_π ^(arcos(1−2e^(−y) )) 2ln(cos((α/2)))dα  =_((α/2)=t)   2∫_(π/2) ^((1/2)arcos(1−2e^(−y) ))   ln(cost) dt  →2∫_(π/2) ^0  ln(cost)dt =−2∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(cost)dt =−2(−(π/2)ln2)  =πln(2) also yarcos(1−2e^(−y) )→0 ⇒  ∫_0 ^∞  arcos(1−2e^(−x) )dx =lim_(y→+∞) A(y) =πln(2)


Commented by EmericGent last updated on 23/May/20

Commented by EmericGent last updated on 23/May/20

Actually you did a small mistake (forgot a *2 somewhere)

Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 24/May/20

error at final line  we have ∫_0 ^y   ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−(1−2e^(−x) )^2 )))dx→πln2 and  we have A(y) =y arcos(1−2e^(−x) )+2 ∫_0 ^y  ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−(1−2e^(−x) )^2 )))→0+2πln2  ⇒∫_0 ^∞  arcos(1−2e^(−x) )dx =2πln(2)


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 24/May/20

I =∫_0 ^∞  arcos(1−e^(−x) )dx  let I(ξ) =∫_0 ^ξ  arcos(1−e^(−x) )dx  by parts  I(ξ) =[x arcos(1−e^(−x) )]_0 ^ξ  −∫_0 ^ξ  x (−(e^(−x) /(√(1−(1−e^(−x) )^2 ))))dx  =ξ arcos(1−e^(−ξ) ) +∫_0 ^ξ   ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−(1−e^(−x) )^2 ))) dx  changement 1−e^(−x) =cosα  give e^(−x)  =1−cosα ⇒x=−ln(1−cosα)  ⇒(dx/dα) =−((sinα)/(1−cosα)) ⇒  ∫_0 ^ξ   ((xe^(−x) )/(√(1−(1−e^(−x) )^2 )))dx =∫_(π/2) ^(arcos(1−e^(−ξ) ))   ln(1−cosα)×(1−cosα)×(1/(sinα))×((sinα)/(1−cosα))dα  =−∫_(arcos(1−e^(−ξ) )) ^(π/2)  ln(2sin^2 ((α/2)))dα  =−ln(2)((π/2) −arcos(1−e^(−ξ) ))−2 ∫_0 ^(π/2)  ln(sin((α/2)))dα ((α/2)=u)  =−(π/2)ln(2)+ln(2)arcos(1−e^(−ξ) )−2 ∫_0 ^(π/4)  ln(u)(2du)  =−(π/2)ln(2) +ln(2)arcos(1−e^(−ξ) )−4∫_0 ^(π/4)  ln(u)du  →−(π/2)ln(2)−4 ∫_0 ^(π/4) ln(u)du  rest to calculate ∫_0 ^(π/4)  ln(u)du..  be continued...


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