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Question Number 95578 by i jagooll last updated on 26/May/20

Commented by i jagooll last updated on 26/May/20

anyone can help?

Commented by john santu last updated on 26/May/20



Commented by john santu last updated on 26/May/20

We can write the six digit number as a1a2a3a4a5a6 . Since 10≡−1(mod11) and 100≡1(mod11) , the overall condition that the number be divisible by 11 may be expressed as a1+a3+a5≡a2+a4+a6(mod11) . Since we are given that a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a6=0+1+2+5+7+9=24≡2(mod11) , it follows that a1+a3+a5≡a2+a4+a6≡1(mod11) . The only feasible solutions will therefore have a1+a3+a5=a2+a4+a6=12 . A little bit of trial and error will show that the two sets {a1,a3,a5} and {a2,a4,a6} must be {0,5,7} and {1,2,9} , not necessarily respectively. The assignment of the sets can be done in 2 ways and then the digits can be permuted in 3!∗3!=36 ways giving a total of 72 numbers satisfying the required properties. Of those, 12 will have a leading digit of zero meaning they aren’t really six digit numbers. This gives 60 six digit numbers satisfying the required properties.

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/May/20



Commented by john santu last updated on 26/May/20



Commented by mr W last updated on 26/May/20

we divide the 6 digits into two groups:  group A with 0,5,7  group B with 1,2,9  both groups have the same sum,  namly 12.  numbers in form of ABABAB or  BABABA are divisible by 11, since  ΣA−ΣB=0 which is divisible by 11.    number of numbers in form BABABA  is 3!×3!.    number of numbers in form ABABAB  is 3!×3!, but some of them begin with  “0” which are invalid. number of  invalid numbers is 2!×3!.    therefore the number of valid  numbers is: 2×3!×3!−2!×3!=60.    we have no other possibilty to divide  the 6 given digits into two groups   with the same sum or with sums  with the difference 11, 22 etc.


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/May/20

a number ABABAB...BA is divisible  by 11, if ΣA−ΣB is also divisible by  11 (including 0).


Commented by i jagooll last updated on 26/May/20

thank you both


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