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Question Number 95723 by i jagooll last updated on 27/May/20

Commented by bobhans last updated on 27/May/20

the case is ssma with there are 5 women 2 men sitting in 7 chairs with no 2 men sitting side by side

Answered by Rio Michael last updated on 27/May/20

the 5 girls can stand in a row in 5! ways  let the girls be labeled as below   G_1      G_2   G_3   G_4    G_5   the first boy coming in has 6 vacancies  the second has 5 vacanciies  the third has 4 vacancies so   ⇒ number of ways = 5! × 6 × 5× 4 = 14 400 ways


Commented by mr W last updated on 27/May/20

14400 is correct! Rio Michael sir:  where do you think you are wrong?


Commented by i jagooll last updated on 27/May/20

your answer not include G G BGBGGB?


Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 28/May/20

well sir i was in a hurry on that problem  when the others dropped thier solution  i thought i misread it.


Answered by bobhans last updated on 27/May/20

totally arrangement = 8!  2 boy stand are together = C_2 ^3 .3! 6!  then = 8! − 6.6! = 6! ×50


Answered by mr W last updated on 27/May/20

METHOD I  between two boys there must be at least  one girl.  we arrange at first the 5 girls, there  are 5! ways.  □G□G□G□G□G□  the 3 boys can now take three of  6 positions (□). there are C_3 ^6 ×3! ways.  so totally there are C_3 ^6 ×3!×5!=14400  ways.    METHOD II  to arrange 8 children there are 8!  ways.    to arrange them such that three boys  are together, there are 6!×3! ways.    to arrange them such that two and  only two boys are next to each other,  there are C_2 ^3 ×(7!−2×6!)×2! ways.    total valid arrangements:  8!−C_2 ^3 ×(7!−2×6!)×2!−6!×3!=14400


Commented by john santu last updated on 28/May/20

oo yes...your right. i′m using method II  but forgot something. ok thanks you


Commented by bobhans last updated on 28/May/20

how with ■GG■G■GG  with ■GGG■G■G ?   your answer included it ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/May/20

yes, included.  the boys can take any three positions  from the 6 □ in:  □G□G□G□G□G□  examples:  ■G□G■G■G□G□  ■G□G□G■G■G□


Commented by i jagooll last updated on 28/May/20

thank you sir


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