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Question Number 96200 by mathmax by abdo last updated on 30/May/20

solve  y^(′′)  +y^′  −2y =xcosx  with y^((2)) (0)=1 and y^′ (0) =−2


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 31/May/20

(he)→r^2  +r−2=0 →Δ =1+8 =9 ⇒r_1 =((−1+3)/2) =1  r_2 =((−1−3)/2) =−2 ⇒y_h =a e^x  +b e^(−2x)  =au_1  +bu_2   W(u_1 ,u_2 ) = determinant (((u_1          u_2 )),((u_1 ^′           u_2 ^′ )))= determinant (((e^x             e^(−2x) )),((e^x            −2e^(−2x) )))=−2e^(−x) −e^(−x)  =−3e^(−x)   W_1 = determinant (((0          e^(−2x) )),((xcosx   −2e^(−2x) )))=−x e^(−2x)  cosx  W_2 = determinant (((e^x             0)),((e^x         xcosx)))=x e^x  cosx  v_1 =∫ (W_1 /W)dx =∫   ((−xe^(−2x)  cosx)/(−3e^(−x) ))dx =(1/3)∫  xe^(−x)  cosx dx  but  ∫  xe^(−x)  cosx ex =Re(∫  x e^(−x+ix) dx) =Re(∫  xe^((−1+i)x) dx)  ∫ xe^((−1+i)x)  dx =(x/(−1+i))e^((−1+i)x)   −∫ (1/(−1+i))e^((−1+i)x)  dx  =−(x/(1−i))e^((−1+i)x)  +(1/(1−i))×(1/(−1+i)) e^((−1+i)x)    =((−x(1+i))/2)e^((−1+i)x)  −(1/((1−i)^2 )) e^((−1+i)x)   =((−x(1+i))/2)e^((−1+i)x)  −(((1+i)^2 )/4) e^((−1+i)x)  =  =(1/4)e^(−x) (−2x(1+i)(cosx +isinx)−2i(cosx +isinx))=....  v_2 =∫  (W_2 /W)dx =∫  ((xe^x  cosx)/(−3e^(−x) ))dx =−(1/3) ∫ xe^(2x)  cosx dx  =−(1/3)Re(∫ x e^(2x+ix) dx) =−(1/3)(∫ xe^((2+i)x)  dx)  ∫  x e^((2+i)x)  dx =(x/(2+i)) e^((2+i)x)  −∫ (1/(2+i)) e^((2+i)x)  dx  =(x/(2+i))e^((2+x)i)  −(1/((2+i)^2 ))e^((2+i)x)  =.....  y_p =u_1 v_1  +u_2 v_2  and y =y_h  +y_p continued...


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 31/May/20

let solve by laplace transform  (e)⇒L(y^((2)) )+L(y^((1)) )−2L(y) =L(xcosx) ⇒  x^2 L(y)−xy(0)−y^′ (0)+xL(y)−y(o)−2L(y) =L(x cosx) ⇒  (x^2 +x−2)L(y) −(x+1)y(0)+2 =L(xcosx) ⇒  (x^2  +x−2)L(y) =L(xcosx)+(x+1)y(0)−2 ⇒  L(xcosx) =∫_0 ^∞  t cost e^(−xt)  dt =Re(∫_0 ^∞  t e^(−xt+it) dt)  ∫_0 ^∞  t e^((−x+i)t)  dt =[(t/(−x+i)) e^((−x+i)t) ]_0 ^∞  −∫_0 ^∞ (1/(−x+i)) e^((−x+i)t)  dt  =(1/(x−i))×(1/(−x+i))[ e^((−x+i)t) ]_0 ^∞  =(1/((x−i)^2 )) =(((x+i)^2 )/((x^2  +1)^2 )) =((x^2  +2ix −1)/((x^2 +1)^2 )) ⇒  L(xcosx) =((x^2 −1)/((x^2  +1)^2 ))  (e) ⇒(x^2  +x−2)L(y) =((x^2 −1)/((x^2  +1)^2 )) +y(0)(x+1)−2 ⇒  L(y) =((x^2 −1)/((x^2 +1)^2 (x^2  +x−2))) +(((x+1))/(x^2  +x−2))y(0)−(2/(x^2  +x−2)) ⇒  y =L^(−1) (((x^2 −1)/((x^2  +1)^2 (x^2  +x−2))))+y(0)L^(−1) (((x+1)/(x^2  +x−2))) −2 L^(−1) ((1/(x^2  +x−2)))  x^2  +x−2 =x^2 −1 +x−1 =(x−1)(x+1)+x−1 =(x−1)(x+2) ⇒  (1/(x^2 +x−2)) =(1/((x−1)(x+2))) =(1/3)((1/(x−1))−(1/(x+2))) ⇒  L^(−1) ((1/(x^2  +x−2))) =(1/3)L^(−1) ((1/(x−1)))−(1/3)L^(−1) ((1/(x+2))) =(1/3)e^x −(1/3)e^(−2x)   ((x+1)/(x^2 +x−2)) =((x+1)/3)((1/(x−1))−(1/(x+2))) =(1/3)×((x+1)/(x−1))−(1/3)×((x+1)/(x+2))  =(1/3)×((x−1+2)/(x−1)) −(1/3)×((x+2−1)/(x+2)) =(1/3) +(2/(3(x−1)))−(1/3) +(1/(3(x+2)))  ⇒L^(−1) (((x+1)/(x^2 +x−2))) =(2/3)e^x  +(1/3)e^(−2x)   we have ((x^2 −1)/((x^2  +1)^2 (x^2  +x+2))) =(((x−1)(x+1))/((x^2  +1)^2 (x−1)(x+2))) =((x+1)/((x+2)(x^2  +1)^2 ))  =(a/(x+2)) +((bx +c)/(x^2  +1))  +((dx +e)/((x^2  +1)^2 )) ⇒L^(−1) (....)  =aL^(−1) ((1/(x+2))) +bL^(−1) ((x/(x^2  +1))) +cL^(−1) ((1/(x^2  +1)))+dL^(−1) ((x/((x^2  +1)^2 )))+eL^(−1) ((1/((x^2  +1)^2 )))p  =a e^(−2x)  +bcosx +c sinx +d L^(−1) ((x/((x^2  +1)^2 )))+.... continued...


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