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Question Number 97236 by bemath last updated on 07/Jun/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Jun/20

if you put several questions in one  post, please number the questions!


Commented by bemath last updated on 07/Jun/20

hahaha...sorry sir


Commented by bemath last updated on 07/Jun/20

thank you for all


Answered by john santu last updated on 07/Jun/20

Commented by mahdi last updated on 07/Jun/20

in  case(2)⇒x+y=−2∧xy=−1  but xy=(−1−(√3))(−1+(√3))=1−3=2???


Answered by mahdi last updated on 19/Jun/20

1− { ((x^2 −xy+y^2 =7)),((x−xy+y=−1)) :}⇒^+ x^2 −2xy+y^2 +x+y=6  ⇒(x−y)^2 +(x+y)=6  [I]   { ((x^2 −xy+y^2 =7)),((−3x+3xy−3y=3)) :}⇒^+ x^2 +2xy+y^2 −3(x+y)=10  ⇒(x+y)^2 −3(x+y)=10    [II]  ⇒^(II)  { (((x+y)=5⇒^I  { (((x−y)=1 ⇒x=3,y=2)),(((x−y)=−1⇒x=2,y=3)) :})),(((x+y)=−2⇒^I  { (((x−y)=2(√2)⇒x=(√2)−1,y=−(√2)−1)),(((x−y)=−2(√2)⇒x=−(√2)−1,y=(√2)−1)) :})) :}  {(2,3),(3,2),((√2)−1,−(√2)−1),(−(√2)−1,(√2)−1)}⇒ans1  2− { ((  D_f                 f(x)           R_f  )),((x<1            9−3x     (6,+∞))),((1≤x≤3      7−x        [4,6])),((3<x<5      x+1        (4,6) )),((5≤x            3x−9      [6,+∞))) :}  min=4  3−((log((a/b)))/(log(b)))=((log(a)−log(b))/(log(b)))=((log(a))/(log(b)))−1  =1000−1=999  4−((3+x)/(4+x))=((6+x)/(8+x))⇒(3+x)(8+x)=(6+x)(4+x)⇒  x^2 +11x+24=x^2 +10x+24⇒x=0  5−S=((p(p−a)(p−b)(p−c)))^(1/�)    (p=((a+b+c)/2))  (heron′L)  S≈90


Commented by bemath last updated on 08/Jun/20

for eq (4) . how if x = 0 ?  ((3+0)/(4+0)) = ((6+0)/(8+0)) ? (it true)


Commented by bemath last updated on 08/Jun/20

if x = −((14)/3) ⇔((3+(−((14)/3)))/(4+(−((14)/3)))) = ((9−14)/(12−14))  =((−5)/(−2)) = (5/2)  ⇔((6+(−((14)/3)))/(8+(−((14)/3)))) = ((18−14)/(24−14)) = (4/(10)) = (2/5)  clear  (5/2) ≠ (2/5) .  so x = −((14)/3) not solution


Commented by bemath last updated on 08/Jun/20

the area triangle = 150


Commented by mahdi last updated on 19/Jun/20

thanks bemath for giude :)  but Area of Δ not 150...?


Answered by mr W last updated on 07/Jun/20

Commented by PRITHWISH SEN 2 last updated on 07/Jun/20

Let A_1 ,A_2 ,A_3  are the altitudes  then A=(((1/A_1 )+(1/A_2 )+(1/A_3 ))/2) = (((1/(12))+(1/(15))+(1/(20)))/2)=(1/(10))  then area =  (1/(4(√(A(A−(1/A_1 ))(A−(1/A_2 ))(A−(1/A_3 ))))))   = (1/(4(√((1/(10))((1/(10))−(1/(12)))((1/(10))−(1/(15)))((1/(10))−(1/(20))))))) = 150


Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Jun/20

say the sides of triangle are a,b,c and  corresponding altitudes  are h_a ,h_b ,h_c .  say the area of the triangle is A.  we have  A=((ah_a )/2)=((bh_b )/2)=((ch_c )/2)  ⇒a=((2A)/h_a ), b=((2A)/h_b ), c=((2A)/h_c )  with s=((a+b+c)/2)=A((1/h_a )+(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))  we also have  A=(√(s(s−a)(s−b)(s−c)))  i.e.  A=(√(A^4 ((1/h_a )+(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))(−(1/h_a )+(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))((1/h_a )−(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))((1/h_a )+(1/h_b )−(1/h_c ))))  ⇒(1/A)=(√(((1/h_a )+(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))(−(1/h_a )+(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))((1/h_a )−(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))((1/h_a )+(1/h_b )−(1/h_c ))))  or  ⇒A=(1/(√(((1/h_a )+(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))(−(1/h_a )+(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))((1/h_a )−(1/h_b )+(1/h_c ))((1/h_a )+(1/h_b )−(1/h_c )))))    with h_a =12, h_b =15, h_c =20 we get  A=(1/(√(((1/(12))+(1/(15))+(1/(20)))(−(1/(12))+(1/(15))+(1/(20)))((1/(12))−(1/(15))+(1/(20)))((1/(12))+(1/(15))−(1/(20))))))  =150


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