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Question Number 97368 by Riad last updated on 07/Jun/20

Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(1)(a)(i)  ∫x^2 tan^(−1) xdx  =(x^3 /3)tan^(−1) x−∫(x^3 /(3(1+x^2 )))dx  =(x^3 /3)tan^(−1) x−(1/3)∫(x−(x/(1+x^2 )))dx  =(x^3 /3)tan^(−1) x−(x^2 /6)+(1/6)ln(x^2 +1)+c


Commented by Riad last updated on 07/Jun/20



Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(1)(a)(ii)  ∫_0 ^1 (dx/((1+x^2 )(√(1−x^2 ))))  first consider  ∫(dx/((1+x^2 )(√(1−x^2 ))))  let x=sinθ, dx=cosθdθ  ∫(dθ/(1+sin^2 θ))  =∫(dθ/(1+((1−cos2θ)/2)))  =2∫(dθ/(3−cos2θ))  let tanθ=t  cos2θ=((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 )),dθ=(1/(1+t^2 ))dt  ∫(1/(2t^2 +1))dt  =∫(1/(((√2)t)^2 +1))dt  =(1/(√2))tan^(−1) ((√2)tanθ)+c  =(1/(√2))tan^(−1) ((((√2)x)/(√(1−x^2 ))))+c  (1/(√2))tan^(−1) ((((√2)x)/(√(1−x^2 ))))∣_0 ^1   =(1/(√2))(lim_(x→∞) tan^(−1) x−tan^(−1) 0)  =(1/(√2))((π/2)−0)  =((π(√2))/4)


Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(2)(a)  u_x =(y^2 /(1+xy^2 ))  u_y =((2xy)/(1+xy^2 ))  u_(xx) =((−y^2 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))  u_(yy) =((2x−2x^2 y^2 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))  u_(xy) =((2y−2y^2 x^2 )/((1+y^2 x)^2 ))  2u_(xx) +u_(yy) +y^3 u_(xy)   =−2[((y^2 −x+x^2 y^2 −y^4 +y^4 x^2 )/((1+y^2 x)^2 ))]


Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(1)(a)(iv)  ∫_0 ^1 xe^(−3x) dx  =−(1/3)xe^(−3x) ∣_0 ^1 +∫_0 ^1 (e^(−3x) /3)dx  =(−(1/3)xe^(−3x) −(e^(−3x) /9))∣_0 ^1   =((1−4e^(−3) )/9)


Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(1)(a)(iii)  ∫(√((a+x)/(a−x)))dx  =∫((a+x)/(√(a^2 −x^2 )))dx  let x=asinθ, dx=acosθdθ  a∫(1+sinθ)dθ  =aθ−acosθ+c  =asin^(−1) (x/a)−(√(a^2 −x^2 ))+c


Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(2)(b)  f(x)=x^3 −4x^2 +5x−3  f ′(x)=3x^2 −8x+5=0  (3x−5)(x−1)=0  x=(5/3) or x=1  f ′′(x)=6x−8  f ′′((5/3))=2>0→min  f ′′(1)=−2<0→Max  Therefore,  f((5/3))=−((31)/(27))→ min  f(1)=−1→Max


Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(2)(c)  ∫_(π/6) ^(π/4) ∫_0 ^(sinx) e^y cosxdydx  =∫_(π/6) ^(π/4) (e^(sinx) −1)cosxdx  =∫_(π/6) ^(π/4) e^(sinx) ∙cosx−∫_(π/6) ^(π/4) cosxdx  =e^(sin(π/4)) −e^(sin(π/6)) −sin(π/4)+sin(π/6)  =e^((√2)/2) −e^(1/2) −((√2)/2)+(1/2)


Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

(3)∫_0 ^(π/8) ∫_0 ^2 (√(4−r^2 ))rdrdθ  =(π/8)∫_0 ^2 r(√(4−r^2 ))dr  let 4−r^2 =u, dr=(du/(−2r))  (1/2)×(π/8)∫_0 ^4 (√u)du  =(π/(16))×(2/3)u^(3/2) ∣_0 ^4   =(π/3)


Commented by Tony Lin last updated on 07/Jun/20

All are done!


Commented by Riad last updated on 07/Jun/20

Thank you very much you


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 07/Jun/20

3) I =∫∫_D (√(4−r^2 ))rdrdθ  =∫_0 ^2 r(√(4−r^2 ))dr ∫_0 ^(π/8)  dθ  =(π/8) ∫_0 ^2  r(√(4−r^2 ))dr =(π/8) ∫_0 ^2  r(4−r^2 )^(1/2)  dr =(π/8)[−(1/3)(4−r^2 )^(3/2) ]_0 ^2   =−(π/(24)){−4^(3/2) } =(π/(24))×8 =(π/3)


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 07/Jun/20

I =∫_0 ^1  (dx/((1+x^2 )(√(1−x^2 ))))  changement x =sint give  I =∫_0 ^(π/2)  ((cost)/((1+sin^2 t)cost)) dt =∫_0 ^(π/2)      (dt/(1+sin^2 t)) =∫_0 ^(π/2)  (dt/(2−cos^2 t))  =∫_0 ^(π/2)  (dt/(2−(1/(1+tan^2 t)))) =∫_0 ^(π/2)  ((1+tan^2 t)/(2+2tan^2 t−1))dt =∫_0 ^(π/2)  ((1+tan^2 t)/(1+2tan^2 t))dt  =_(tant =u)      ∫_0 ^∞   ((1+u^2 )/(1+2u^2 )) (du/(1+u^2 )) =∫_0 ^∞  (du/(1+2u^2 )) =_((√2)u =z)   ∫_0 ^∞    (dz/((√2)(1+z^2 )))  =(1/(√2))×(π/2) =(π/(2(√2)))


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 07/Jun/20

2) u(x,y) =ln(1+xy^2 ) ⇒ (∂u/∂x) =(y^2 /(1+xy^2 )) ⇒(∂^2 /∂x^2 )u =y^2 (−(y^2 /((1+xy^2 )^2 )))  =−(y^4 /((1+xy^2 )^2 ))  (∂u/∂y) =((2yx)/(1+xy^2 )) ⇒  (∂^2 u/∂^2 y) =2x(((1+xy^2 −y(2xy))/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))) =2x((1−xy^2 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))  (∂u/∂y) =((2yx)/(1+xy^2 )) ⇒(∂/∂x)((∂u/∂y)) =2y(((1+xy^2 −xy^2 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))) =((2y)/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))  2u_(xx)  +u_(yy)  +y^3  u_(xy) =−((2y^4 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 )) +((2x−2x^2 y^2 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 )) +((2y^4 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))  =((2x−2x^2 y^2 )/((1+xy^2 )^2 ))


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