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Question Number 97833 by Rio Michael last updated on 10/Jun/20

 Hello members of maths editor i want to say  something concerning this forum. Well it  is my own point of view: This forum is a place where  people from all over the world come to interact together.  A place where people from different back grounds,  class and qualification speak a common language −   mathematics. I in particular thank Tinkutara′s team for  such a great platform. But i notice some people literally  don′t show respect to others, like persuading others  to answer thier questions, others show no   appreciation for the given answers while others give rude  comments with no reason behind them.  please i just want to urge the Maths editor users to show  more respect for others since we don′t know the identity or  qualification of people who post and solve questions here.  we remain one family as God guides us through our endervous.


Commented by john santu last updated on 10/Jun/20

wow .... what is happening in this forum? maybe something is missing for me

Commented by john santu last updated on 10/Jun/20

I agree with you. I think this forum of communication media shares ways or methods of solving a mathematical problem, not the media as a place to show our greatness so that we look down on others or even underestimate. if that's the case, obviously not here but there in the middle of nowhere

Commented by john santu last updated on 10/Jun/20


Commented by bobhans last updated on 10/Jun/20


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Jun/20

i agree too!


Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 10/Jun/20

well during the creation of this forum  it was well repected and people too  were respectful. well now things are getting worst  as people get in, as theythink they are better than  everyone. i just wanna say ′′ education and   learning is made for the people who respect  the law   pride ∝(1/(knowledge)).  Everyone in this forum is great as everyone solves  problems.


Commented by bemath last updated on 10/Jun/20


Commented by 1549442205 last updated on 10/Jun/20

Thank,sir.After this  writtimg everyone feel   warmer and our communication will stromger


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 10/Jun/20

Due to lockdown many educational institutions are giving online assigments for evaluation and asking student to submit is predefined time. That may be the reason for people quickly putting images and asking "please fast" etc.

Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 10/Jun/20

that may be true sir.. but no one is entitled  to solve anyones questions here..its just the  will, so  people should just learn to be respectful  and ask others for help kindly after attempting  and not getting the answer to the question. Also ask for new   methods so as to understand different ways   of solving a question. in a respectful way. thats all i wanna say.


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