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Question Number 97847 by bemath last updated on 10/Jun/20

(x^2 +x) (d^2 y/dx^2 ) + (1−2x^2 ) (dy/dx) + (x^2 −x−1)y = x^2 −x−1


Answered by niroj last updated on 10/Jun/20

   (x^2 +x)(d^2 y/dx^2 ) + (1−2x^2 ) (dy/dx) +(x^2 −x−1)y= x^2 −x−1     (d^2 y/dx^2 ) + (((1−2x^2 ))/(x^2 +x)) (dy/dx) + ((x^2 −x−1)/(x^2 +x)) y = ((x^2 −x−1)/(x^2 +x))     We know variable coefficient for CF    If : 1+P+Q=0  then part of CF ,u=e^x     let P=  ((1−2x^2 )/(x^2 +x)) , Q= ((x^2 −x−1)/(x^2 +x)) and R= ((x^2 −x−1)/(x^2 +x))    1+((1−2x^2 )/(x^2 +x))+((x^2 −x−1)/(x^2 +x))= ((x^2 +x+1−2x^2 +x^2 −x−1)/(x^2 +x))= (0/(x^2 +x))=0.   ∵1+P+Q=0 is satisfy    complete function     y= uv    y= e^x v.......(i)   we know special case :    (d^2 v/dx^2 )+(p+(2/u).(du/dx))(dv/dx)= (R/u)     (d^2 v/dx^2 )+(((1−2x^2 )/(x^2 +x)) + (2/e^x ) .e^x )(dv/dx)= ((x^2 −x−1)/(e^x (x^2 +x)))     (d^2 v/dx^2 ) +(((2x^2 +2x+1−2x^2 )/(x^2 +x)))(dv/dx) = ((x^2 −x−1)/(e^x (x^2 +x)))    (d^2 v/dx^2 ) + ((2x+1)/(x^2 +x)) (dv/dx) = ((x^2 −x−1)/(e^x (x^2 +x)))    Now we reduces linear form,      Put , (dv/dx)= t ⇒ (d^2 v/dx^2 )= (dt/dx)    (dt/dx) + ((2x+1)/(x^2 +x )). t = ((x^2 −x−1)/(e^x (x^2 +x)))     IF= e^(∫Pdx) = e^(∫((2x+1)/(x^2 +x))dx) =e^(log (x^2 +x))      IF= x^2 +x       t.IF= ∫IF.Qdx+C_1     t.(x^2 +x)= ∫(x^2 +x).((x^2 −x−1)/(e^x (x^2 +x)))dx+C_1    t(x^2 +x)= ∫  ((x^2 −x−1)/e^x )dx+C_1    t(x^2 +x)= ∫ x^2 e^(−x) dx−∫xe^(−x) dx−∫e^(−x) dx+C_1    t(x^2 +x)= [x^2 .(−e^(−x) )−∫2x.(−e^(−x) )dx]−∫xe^(−x) dx−(−e^(−x) )+C_1    t(x^2 +x)= −x^2 e^(−x) +2∫xe^(−x) dx−∫xe^(−x) dx+e^(−x) +C_1    t(x^2 +x)= −x^2 e^(−x) +∫xe^(−x) dx+e^(−x) +C_1    t(x^2 +x)= −x^2 e^(−x) +x(−e^x )−∫1.(−e^(−x) )dx+e^(−x) +C_1     t(x^2 +x)= −x^2 e^(−x) −xe^(−x) −e^(−x) +e^(−x) +C_1     t(x^2 +x)= −x^2 e^(−x) −xe^(−x) +C_1     t= ((−xe^(−x) (x+1))/(x(x+1)))+C_1 (1/(x(x+1)))   (dv/dx) = −e^(−x) +C_1 (1/(x(x+1)))    ∫dv = −∫e^(−x) dx+C_1 ∫ (1/(x(x+1)))dx+C_2    v= −(−e^(−x) )+C_1 [ ∫(1/x)dx−∫(1/(x+1))dx]+C_2    v= e^(−x) +C_1 { log x−log(x+1)}+C_2    v= e^(−x) +C_1 log (x/(x+1))+C_2    Now, again put value of v in eq^n (i)    y=e^x v.....(i)    y= e^x (e^(−x) +C_1 log (x/(x+1))+C_2 )    y = 1+ C_1 e^x  log (x/(x+1)) +C_(2 ) e^x   //.


Commented by niroj last updated on 11/Jun/20

thanks dear������

Commented by bemath last updated on 11/Jun/20

waw===beautifull solution


Commented by bemath last updated on 11/Jun/20

thank you


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