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Question Number 99537 by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 21/Jun/20

Suppose your weight is 50kg and you are taking rest.  what is the de-brogli wavelength associated by you.  (Respect to the universal system)[suppose another one who is   calculating your wavelength is on space]


Answered by smridha last updated on 21/Jun/20

meaningless question..  weight=50 kg!! that′s not right  it should be mass.  de−broglie formula valid for  quantum  world...  are you quantum particle??  wavelength is very negligible.  and also you are in it′s use de −broglie.


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 21/Jun/20

Earth is rotating about his axis with a speed of 30km/s(approx)


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 21/Jun/20

Sorry! It is mass .I used the usual speech like weight.


Commented by smridha last updated on 21/Jun/20

earth also moves round the sun  at a speed v=(√(gr))..and   we also don′t know the velocity  of frame where we measure..  and  the most important thing  can we use de−broglie formula  in that case..because we are not  quantum particle...


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 21/Jun/20

suppose the frame is inertial


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 21/Jun/20

I also know it is a stupid question. But i am trying to visualise those things


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 21/Jun/20

I am sorry as i am spending your valuable time.


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 21/Jun/20

I am a student so i want to learn more.


Commented by smridha last updated on 22/Jun/20

well I consider it is a non−Relativistic  case...  then if the frame(lets say s^′ ) is inertial  to our lab−frame then the observer  who watching over you from s^′ ,  see you are standing still in rest.  so relative velocity v_(rel) =0  so your de−broglie wavelength  is 𝛌⇒∞.I am not satisfied with  this ans...are you???it′s fail to  describe the physical nature...  because ∞ is just a concept it cannot  be one can know what  it is..


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 22/Jun/20

But respect to the inertial frame I was moving at a speed of 30 km/s. And at an instant of time earth revolving speed may be neglected

Commented by smridha last updated on 22/Jun/20

what is inertial frame of reference???  (i)a frane which is moving with  uniform velocity  (ii)a frame which is stanting  at rest and another frame is   moving with constant speed respect  to that that case 1st frame  is also a inertial frame.  I consider a frame which has  uniform velocity as same as earth.  rotational speed about its own axies and  revolvig speed around the sun both  in this case are same as earth.  so from this assumtion you also  at rest for the prime observer who is  watching over you.  so v_(rel) =0 so 𝛌⇒∞..worthless!!  for simplification you can   consider a frame of reference  like a geostationary satelite.


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 23/Jun/20

The laws of quantum physics apply  to all objects regardless of mass.


Commented by smridha last updated on 23/Jun/20

but it′s not logical to use  because the result is  very  negligible...therefore   physicists say classical mechanics  is the approximation of quantum  mechanics....if the result is   same then there is no cause to  devolope quantum mechanics..  you should aware of that in  which context which formula  do you use or not able to use..  classical and quantum both  are important...physicists do not  happy with some mathematical  result but the significant   mathematical result and so  they give same priority to both  mechanics...


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 23/Jun/20

100% agree with you.


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