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Question Number 82591 by Learner-123 last updated on 22/Feb/20

A closed surface is defined in spherical  coordinates by 3<r<5 , 0.1π<θ<0.3π,  1.2π<φ<1.6π. Find the total surface  area.


Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 22/Feb/20

Ans:36.79 square units.


Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 23/Feb/20

Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 23/Feb/20

Sir, this is the explaination given.  Can you tell how these 4 (actually 5)terms  come..


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Feb/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Feb/20

in our case  φ=0.1π..0.3π  θ=1.2π..1.6π  r=3..5  we have totally 6 faces:  face 1: r=3, φ=0.1π...0.3π, θ=1.2π..1.6π  A_1 =∫_(1.2π) ^(1.6π) ∫_(0.1π) ^(0.3π) r sin θ dφrdθ=3^2 ∫_(1.2π) ^(1.6π) ∫_(0.1π) ^(0.3π) sin θ dφdθ  face 2: r=5, φ=0.1π...0.3π, θ=1.2π..1.6π  A_2 =similarly=5^2 ∫_(1.2π) ^(1.6π) ∫_(0.1π) ^(0.3π) sin θ dφdθ  face 3: φ=0.1π, θ=1.2π..1.6π, r=3..5  A_3 =(1/2)(5^2 −3^2 )(1.6π−1.2π)  face 4: φ=0.3π, θ=1.2π..1.6π, r=3..5  A_4 =(1/2)(5^2 −3^2 )(1.6π−1.2π)  face 5: φ=0.1π..0.3π, θ=1.2π, r=3..5  A_5 =∫_(0.1π) ^(0.3π) ∫_3 ^5 sin 1.2π dφrdr  face 6: φ=0.1π..0.3π, θ=1.6π, r=3..5  A_6 =∫_(0.1π) ^(0.3π) ∫_3 ^5 sin 1.6π dφrdr  A=ΣA  =(3^2 +5^2 )∫_(1.2π) ^(1.6π) ∫_(0.1π) ^(0.3π) sin θ dφdθ  +2×(1/2)(5^2 −3^2 )(1.6π−1.2π)  +(sin 1.2π+sin 1.6π)(0.3π−0.1π)∫_3 ^5 rdφdr


Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 24/Feb/20

Thank You Sir!  Can you please solve my other 3 doubts?


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Feb/20

i don′t know what are your doubts. you  should not assume that i know all posts.


Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 24/Feb/20

Question no: 82627 , 82631,82647


Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 24/Feb/20

I think there is some technical problem  in this app, whenever i press “sort by  recent activity” it gets me to same  integral question everytime...(75986)


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Feb/20

i can′t help you.


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/20



Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 26/Feb/20

Are you referring to my doubt or  this technical glitch?


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