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Oscillation and WavesQuestion and Answers: Page 2 |
A sound wave of velocity 350m/s is directed towards the surface of the water. If the ratio of the wavelength of sound in air to that in water 150 ratio 475.Calculate the velocity of the wave in water. |
An object 60cm tall is placed on the principal axis of a convex lens and its 30cm tall image is formed on the screen placed at a distance of 40cm from the object.What is the focal length of the lens? |
Prof Kintush has a near point of 45cm and his far point is infinity. What type of lens and focal length should be recommended for his normal reading? |
A student holding a 324Hz tuning fork approaches a wall at a speed of 6ms^(−1) .The speed of sound in air is 336ms^(−1) .What frequency will the student detect from waves omitted from the fork and waves coming from the wall? |
A particle of mass 2×10^(−27) kg moves according to the following y=5cos(((πt)/3)+(π/4)) find the maximum kinetic energy |
A wave has a wavelength of 1.5m, calculate the phase angle between a point 0.25m from the peak of the wave and another point 1m further along the same peak. |
The incident wave set up on a string of length fixed at each end is given by: y_1 =Asin(kx−wt) i)what is the equation of motion of the reflected wave,y_2 . ii)obtain the resultant,y=y_1 +y_2 of the two waves. iii)what type of resultant wave is this? iv)for what values of x will the amplitud of the resultant wave become zero? v)for what values of x will y be maximum? |
Two waves are represented by y_1 =Asinωt and y_2 =Asin(ωt−δ). What is the resultant of the two waves? ii)determine the amplitude of the resultant wave and under which condition will it be constructive or destructive. |
An open pipe 40cm long and a closed pipe 32cm long,with the same diameter,sound the same fundamental frequency in unison. Find the end correction of these pipes. |
A train travelling at 30m/s , approaching a stationary observer emits a tone at a frequency of 480Hz. If the speed of sound is 330m/s, determine the frequency of the note the observer hears. |
Determine the intensity level of 12 people′s speech,if each person speaks with an intensity level of 60dB |
Find the velocity of the source along the line joining the source to a stationary observer if,as a result of the motion,the frequency of the note heard is a)increased in the ratio 18:15 b)decreased in the ratio 15:18 |
A sonometer wire 60cm long,under a tension of 120N,vibrates in unison with a turning fork of frequency 512Hz.The wire is then shortened by 2cm,the tension remaining the same.If the fork and wire are sounded together,how many beats per second are heard? What decrease in tension will be required to restore the frequency of vibration of the wire to the original value? |
how do i prove ∫_o ^t cos 2(ωt+α)dt=0 |
A mass oscillating on a spring has amplitude of 1.2m and a period of 2s.Deduce the equation for the displacement x if the timing starts at the instant when the masd has its maximum displacement. b)calculate the time interval from t=0 before the displacement is 0.08m |
A body undergoing SHM about the origin has its equation x=0.2cos 5πt. Find its average speed from t=0 to t=0.7 sec. |
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A wave of frequency 10hz forms a stationery wave pattern in a medium where the velocity is 20cms^(−1) what is the distance between the adjacent nodes? pls help.. |
What is the difference between angular frequency and angular velocity? |