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Question Number 34501 by rahul 19 last updated on 07/May/18

Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 07/May/18

ans. is    ((ε_0 K_1 K_2 a^2 ln (K_1 /K_2 ))/((K_1 −K_2 )d)) .


Answered by last updated on 07/May/18

As per picture the length of metal plate is a   and assume widgh is b,separation between is  d.Now horizontally at a distance x we take a   small strip dx where  a≥x≥0   area of strip is b×dx  let in this small plrtion of metal plates   thicknesd of dielectric is  y and d−y  where d≥y≥0  so two capacitor are in series connection  dC_1 =((ε_0 k_1 .bdx)/y)and dC_2 =((ε_0 k_2 bdx)/((d−y) ))  tanθ=(d/a)=(y/x) net capacitance=dC  (1/dC)=(1/(dC_1  ))+(1/dC_2 )  =(y/(ε_0 k_1 bdx))+((d−y)/(ε_0 k_2 bdx))  y=(d/a)x  dy=(d/a)dx  (1/dC)=((k_2 y+k_1 (d−y))/(ε_0 bk_1 k_2 dx))  dC=((ε_0 bk_1 k_2 dx)/(k_2 (d/a)x+k_1 (d−(d/a)x))) putting the value of y  =((ε_0 bk_1 k_2 dx)/(k_1 d+(k_2 −k_1 )(d/a)x))  now intregate both side and put the limit ofx   a≥x≥0  =((ε_0 bk_1 k_2 )/((k_2 −k_1 )(d/a)))∫_0 ^a (dx/(((k_1 d)/((k_2 −k_(1)) (d/a)))+x))  =((e_0 bk_1 k_2 )/((k_2 −k_1 )(d/a)))∣log_e {((k_1 d)/(k_2 −k_1 )(d/a)))+x}∣_0 ^a   =((e_0 bk_1 k_2 )/((k_2 −k_1 )(d/a)))∣log_e {((k_1 d)/((k_2 −k_1 )(d/a)))+a}−log((k_1 a)/(k_2 −k_1 ))∣  =((e_0 bk_1 k_2 a)/((k_2 −k_1 )d))∣log{((k_1 d+k_2 d−k_1 d)/((k_2 −k_1 )(d/a)))}−log((k_1 a)/(k_2 −k_1 ))∣  =((e_0 abk_1 k_2 )/((k_2 −k_1 )d))∣log((k_2 a)/((k_2 −k_1 )))−log((k_1 a)/((k_2 −k_1 )))∣  =((e_0 abk_1 k_2 )/((k_2 −k_1 )d)).log(k_2 /k_1 )


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 07/May/18

Thank you sir.


Commented by last updated on 08/May/18

given problem plate is square so a=b    so replace b by a


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