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Question Number 44676 by ajfour last updated on 03/Oct/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 03/Oct/18

If  𝛍(x)= ((μ_0 L)/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))  Find equation of path of light  as it travels in the medium with  refractive index μ(x).  Hence determine 𝛃 in terms of  𝛂 and 𝛍_0 .


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 03/Oct/18

𝛍(x)= ((μ_0 L)/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))  (dμ/dx)=−(((μ_0 −1)μ_0 L)/([L+(μ_0 −1)x]^2 ))=−(((μ_0 −1)μ)/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))  μ sin θ=constant  sin θ (dμ/dx)+μ cos θ (dθ/dx)=0  −(((μ_0 −1)μ)/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))+μ((cos θ)/(sin θ))×(dθ/dx)=0  −(((μ_0 −1))/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))+((d(ln sin θ))/dx)=0  let Φ=ln sin θ  −(((μ_0 −1))/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))+(dΦ/dx)=0  dΦ=(((μ_0 −1)dx)/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))  ∫_Φ_0  ^Φ dΦ=∫_0 ^x (((μ_0 −1)dx)/(L+(μ_0 −1)x))  Φ−Φ_0 =[ln {L+(μ_0 −1)x}]_0 ^x   ln ((sin θ)/(sin θ_0 ))=ln ((L+(μ_0 −1)x)/L)  sin θ=sin θ_0  ((L+(μ_0 −1)x)/L)  at x=L:  sin θ_1 =μ_0  sin θ_0   ⇒θ_1 =sin^(−1) (μ_0  sin θ_0 )  sin θ=sin θ_0  ((L+(μ_0 −1)x)/L)=sin θ_0 [1+(μ_0 −1)(x/L)]=λ(x)  λ(x)=sin θ_0 [1+(μ_0 −1)(x/L)]  dλ=sin θ_0  ((μ_0 −1)/L) dx  tan θ=((sin θ)/(√(1−sin^2  θ)))=(λ/(√(1−λ^2 )))  (dy/dx)=(λ/(√(1−λ^2 )))  dy=(λ/(√(1−λ^2 )))dx=(λ/(√(1−λ^2 )))×(L/((μ_0 −1)sin θ_0 ))×dλ  (((μ_0 −1)sin θ_0 )/L)dy=(λ/(√(1−λ^2 )))dλ  (((μ_0 −1)sin θ_0 )/L)∫_0 ^y dy=∫_λ_0  ^λ (λ/(√(1−λ^2 )))dλ  (((μ_0 −1)sin θ_0 )/L)y=−(1/2)∫_λ_0  ^λ (1/(√(1−λ^2 )))d(1−λ^2 )  (((μ_0 −1)sin θ_0 )/L)y=−[(√(1−λ^2 ))]_λ_0  ^λ =(√(1−λ_0 ^2 ))−(√(1−λ^2 ))  λ_0 =sin θ_0   (((μ_0 −1)sin θ_0 )/L)y=cos θ_0 −cos θ=cos θ_0 −(√(1−sin^2  θ_0  [1+(μ_0 −1)(x/L)]^2 ))  ⇒y=(L/((μ_0 −1)sin θ_0 )){cos θ_0 −(√(1−sin^2  θ_0  [1+(μ_0 −1)(x/L)]^2 ))}    at x=0: μ(0)=μ_0   from air into medium  sin α=μ_0 sin θ_0   ⇒sin θ_0 =((sin α)/μ_0 )  at x=L: μ(1)=1  from medium into air  μ(1)×sin θ_1 =sin β  ⇒β=θ_1 =sin^(−1) (μ_0  sin θ_0 )=sin^(−1) (sin α)=α  ⇒y=((μ_0 L)/((μ_0 −1)sin α)){(√(1−(((sin α)/μ_0 ))^2 ))−(√(1−(((sin α)/μ_0 ))^2  [1+(μ_0 −1)(x/L)]^2 ))}


Commented by ajfour last updated on 03/Oct/18

Awesome, Sir.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 03/Oct/18

thank you for checking sir!


Commented by ajfour last updated on 03/Oct/18

Sir, our answers differ only by  a factor of c = sin α .


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 03/Oct/18

you are right sir. I overlooked  something.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 03/Oct/18

sin α = μ_0 sin θ_0 = sin β = μsin θ =c   ((dy/dx))^2  = tan^2 θ = ((sin^2 θ)/(1−sin^2 θ))     (dy/dx)  = ((c/μ)/(√(1−(c^2 /μ^2 )))) = (c/(√(μ^2 −c^2 )))    y = ∫_μ_0  ^(  μ) (c/(√(μ^2 −c^2 )))×((dx/dμ))dμ  𝛍= ((𝛍_0 L)/(L+(𝛍_0 −1)x))  (μ_0 −1)x = ((μ_0 L)/μ) − L  ⇒  (dx/dμ) = −((μ_0 L)/(μ^2 (μ_0 −1)))    y = −∫_μ_0  ^(  μ) (c/(√(μ^2 −c^2 )))(((μ_0 L)/(μ^2 (μ_0 −1))))dμ       = ((μ_0 cL)/(μ_0 −1))∫_μ ^(  μ_0 ) (dμ/(μ^2 (√(μ^2 −c^2 ))))  let  μ= csec φ     ⇒  dμ = csec φtan φdφ    y = ((μ_0 cL)/(μ_0 −1))∫_φ ^(  φ_0 )  ((csec φtan φdφ)/(c^2 sec^2 φ(ctan φ)))       = ((μ_0 L)/(c(μ_0 −1))) [sin φ_0 −sin φ]    y = ((𝛍_0 L)/(c(𝛍_0 −1)))[((√(𝛍_0 ^2 −c^2 ))/𝛍_0 )−((√(𝛍^2 −c^2 ))/𝛍) ]  with 𝛍 = ((𝛍_0 L)/(L+(𝛍_0 −1)x))  & c=sin 𝛂 .


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 03/Oct/18

nice and straightforward!


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