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Question Number 157199 by Fresnel last updated on 20/Oct/21

What is the general expression of the divergence(divV^⇢ )


Answered by TheHoneyCat last updated on 21/Oct/21

It depends on your level:  1) If (to you)  V^→  is a tridimentionnal vector  V^→ =V_x e_x ^→ +V_y e_y ^→ +V_z e_z ^→   then: div V^→ =(∂V_x /∂x)+(∂V_y /∂y)+(∂V_z /∂z)    2) V^→  is a function from R^n  to R^n   with: denoting V_i  its coordinate−functions  (ie the function V_i  from R^n  to R such that  ∀i∈[∣1,n∣] V^→ .e_i ^→ =V_i  )  Then: div V^→ =Σ_(i=1) ^n (∂V_i /∂x_i )    3) If V^→  is a differentiable map of R^n →R^n   (or any set isomorphic to it)  its divergence is defined as above  it might not look like there is a difference  from 2) but the fact that it is differentable  assures that the divergence does not depend  on the choice of coordinates, hence it is a   general operator on the set of differentible  functions, and no longer a formula that refers  to “actual” coordinates


Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 21/Oct/21

  Some people define  ▽^→  := Σ_(i=1) ^n (∂/∂x_i )e_i ^→   and say that div F^→ :=▽^→ .F^→   this would be equivalent to 2)  but a tiny bit more “powerful” from a  computationnal point of vue, for you can  learn its “expression in other coordinates”  even some improper ones.


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